Sunday, January 2, 2011

Shoulder Pain

Well, I has been 3 full days since my first PT session and the shoulder is just as sore, if no a little more sore today than any day since.  I wasn't expecting that but we will see what Beth thinks about it tomorrow night.  The next 2 days are going to be the real test...back-to-back nights of therapy.  Hopefully I come out of it with as little pain as possible.

Oh yeah, I took 2 Unisom...let's see if it helps me get more than 3 hours total of sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I also had such terrible shoulder pain in last year and I tried a lot of therapies for having relief but nothing worked permanently. So I consulted Mississauga chiropractor and he suggested 5 sessions for pain relief. Those sessions helped magically to relief entire pain.
