Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's Up Next For Physical Therapy?

For weeks 4-10 post operation I begin passive range-of-motion to full, as tolerated in all planes; begin passive posterior capsular and internal rotation stretching; begin passive and manual scapulothoracic mobility program; begin external rotation in abduction exercises; begin protected biceps and rotator cuff and scapular stabilizer strengthening.

What does all of this mean?  I have no idea...I took it right from my doctors rehab program handout he gave me but it sounds like it could be pretty painful but as long as it heals me in the end I am game for it.  In addition to all of this stuff I can start to use my arm for light activities of daily living.


  1. You are already doing some of those: the passive ROM (all of the pulleys, cane, etc); the posterior capsule/internal rotation stretching(sleeper stretch); and the external rotation in abduction(cane at the side stretch)! We will start the scapulothoracic mobility and begin some of the strengthening tomorrow! :) Awesome that you got your sling off. I really think you are doing great and the rehab before surgery is going to make your recovery even faster.
    And I like that you didn't curse me too much in this. Don't be too scared about tomorrow, you are doing great!

  2. I haven't cursed you at all on here...I don't think. LOL.

    Hopefully I will remember on Thr but I want to get the names of all the things you have me do and the range of motion measurements for the first couple of measures so I can put them on here. Just keeping a record of how this whole surgery and rehab went and hoping someone else out there can find it useful. Before surgery I tried searching for something that gave me a 1st person step by step perspective about this whole process and could not find anything out there.
